Workshop of Balancing

(slack rope and Rolla-bola)

Many times, when I train in a park on the slackrope, people say to me:
Aren’t you afraid of falling?
You have such great balance!
You’re so talented! What you do is not something just anyone can do.
You must have learned this as a child, right?

The truth is, I learned to walk on the slackrope when I was 29 years old. The first few times I managed to stay balanced for those few seconds, I was overwhelmed with an incredible sense of happiness. I had achieved something with my body that seemed impossible to me… Every additional step on the slackline and every new trick I learned made me happy.


  • The opportunity to discover balance in general, experimenting with the body and various objects.
  • We will delve into the theory and practice of the concepts of balance and imbalance, trying to understand how they are part of our daily lives and how balance is also a part of our character.
  • We will learn to balance objects on our bodies.
  • We will work on body awareness, starting with breathing and moving towards understanding how to fall without harming ourselves.
  • Through body movement techniques, we will explore the balance of our bodies, objects like chairs, skateboards, balls, slacklines, bottles, etc.

This will provide the opportunity to find our balance and improve our current physical and psychological state.

When I was 30 years old, I met Hassan in Paris, a ex soldier man from Argelia who had fallen in love with balancing: he had learned to do it on the slackrope at the age of 56… He was the one who taught me how to unicycle on the slackline.
I once heard this quote by Garcia Marquez: “There is a solution for those who are afraid of flying, and it is to fly with fear.”


This last phrase can be applied to everything and at any moment in our lives; if you want to do something, keep trying until you succeed and don’t stop at the first attempt. You can do anything in life, as long as you have the desire to try, study a bit, and have the physical capability to do it.